I have a bird feeder in my garden and get such pleasure watching the birds come and go. The Birding Spoonflower challenge is one that definitely spoke to me! I went for the water bird route… there is something quite magic about discovering a pond with ducks and their babies in it.
Ooooh when I think of Granny square and big basket of scrap yarn in a rainbow of colors come to mind and some clever granny jiggling away with a crochet hook and making something fabulous.
My Halloween designs are some of my best sellers on my Spoonflower shop… all year round too! This week I got to add another to my collection, the design challenge is Eclectic witch and I went for a Witches Kitchen …a bubbling caldron with shelves full of witchy ingredients for an amazing spell
I love designing floral patterns and this week’s Spoonflower challenge, Retro Floral had me going all over the place. I ended up creating three designs in a number of colorways and then put myself in the same position I had last week…which one to enter!
It is dark stormy day here in Chicago so I have ended up going for the most colorful and cheerful design- aptly named Brightly Floral
Voting will take place on a curtain panel this week, so here it is mocked up
Having been doing the Spoonflower challenged religiously for the past 2.5 years it is a bit surprising to me that prompts are repeated. In April 2021 we had a prompt for intergalactic adventures and this week the prompt is Space exploration … it really is the same thing. As a result I got a bit bogged down in what to create and ended up designing three completely different concepts.
and just in case you were wondering here were the other contenders. I actually love the Pis in space one… complete with a Big Bad Wolf in a rocket! All designs are for sale in my Spoonflower shop and part of the Outer Space collection
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