2023 and in the Spoonflower challenge world it has been a whirl. These challenges have grown and grown and it is now pretty typical to have 1500+ entries. Throw in the rising of AI generated designs and a new voting system, there have been a few issues to say the least. However I have kept to my personal goal and entered EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE again. This marks my 4th year of doing so!
But that is not enough for me ( hahahaha), I now have to beat my previous results! Let’s start with a little recap of the last three years.
1 Win!
6 top ten placements
23 free proof placement
2 Wins!
11 top ten placements
23 free proof placement
3 Wins!
12 top ten placements
25 free proof placement
…drum roll please …
8 TOP TEN placements
28 free proof placement.
3 Wins, including 2 Pantone Challenges

8 additional top ten placements with 2nd place in the remaining Pantone Challenges

and a whopping 28 designs placed for free proofing

So a pretty decent year but I didn’t quite beat my 2022 results which I knew would be almost impossible!
Going forward Spoonflower will only be having challenges every two weeks so thing will definitely be different but I am again planning to enter EVERY single challenge!