My Halloween designs are some of my best sellers on my Spoonflower shop… all year round too! This week I got to add another to my collection, the design challenge is Eclectic witch and I went for a Witches Kitchen …a bubbling caldron with shelves full of witchy ingredients for an amazing spell
I love designing floral patterns and this week’s Spoonflower challenge, Retro Floral had me going all over the place. I ended up creating three designs in a number of colorways and then put myself in the same position I had last week…which one to enter!
It is dark stormy day here in Chicago so I have ended up going for the most colorful and cheerful design- aptly named Brightly Floral
Voting will take place on a curtain panel this week, so here it is mocked up
Having been doing the Spoonflower challenged religiously for the past 2.5 years it is a bit surprising to me that prompts are repeated. In April 2021 we had a prompt for intergalactic adventures and this week the prompt is Space exploration … it really is the same thing. As a result I got a bit bogged down in what to create and ended up designing three completely different concepts.
and just in case you were wondering here were the other contenders. I actually love the Pis in space one… complete with a Big Bad Wolf in a rocket! All designs are for sale in my Spoonflower shop and part of the Outer Space collection
You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂
Dark Academia is the prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge and I have to say this didn’t initially fill me with any sort enthusiasm. But once I got going this design flew out of me – I love it when that happens! Books, manuscripts, quills and ink pots. Throw in some crows, gothic windows and fleur de lis and hey presto,you have a Gothic Library!
Gosh I am not really a fan of the 1970’s design aesthetic so was not super excited to design anything for this week’s spoonflower challenge – 1970’s Throw Pillows. But as I have committed to enter every single challenge I am not about to bow out and give up on a prompt that doesn’t speak to me.
So this week’s Spoonflower challenge prompt is cheerful checks and to start with I designed a pretty standard watercolor check. As lovely as it is, when I went back a re-read the blurb that goes with the challenge it says “This week the rule is simple: include checks in your design that would make anyone smile”. Ding…I decided my original design was too boring so set about something that really made me smile.
This week’s Spoonflower challenge is Monochrome Moments and I knew as soon as I saw the prompt my color was going to be blue. It’s hard to know what sort of direction to take with prompts like these… you can do any sort of design. In the end I opted to go the Bauhaus route and worked up a fun fishy design.
Kidult, the prompt for this week’s design challenge and a new word for me. Kidulting is defined as adults recreating childhood experiences by participating in activities generally considered for children. Who says you have to grow up!
As a kid I used to love “making things” and let’s face it not much has changed in that department, just check out and you will see what I mean! A cardboard box held so much potential and I could never let an empty toilet roll go to waste … and that was my inspiration for this week’s, let’s face it, wacky design.
Hissterical Snakes is the prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge and I have to say I am not a great fan of slithery snakey creatures. It may have something to do with nearly treading on a coiled up Copper Head who was having a good time on my compost heap many years ago!
But I chose to put that encounter aside when I was designing my entry and thought even snakes need love too!
The Spoonflower challenge this week is “Joyful Jungle” and the thought of Zip lining through a sumptuous green jungle canopy is my idea of having a fabulous joyous time!