I came up with two design for this weeks Spoonflower design challenge, Colorful Reptiles.
My first intertwined chameleons, geckos and snakes and I called it lizard licking (!)

and my second I went for a lizard skin texture.

I dilly dallied about which one to enter and turned to the Spoonflower Fan Facebook group for a bit of good old fashioned honest critique. The skin came out as the winner so in it went. I have a feeling the design is going to bomb but there we go!
Prove me wrong and go and vote!
I seem to be on a roll with these design challenges as this is the fifth week in a row I have placed high enough to earn an automatic proof of my design!
I came in at 51/657 and got 164 votes. Thanks so much if you voted, I am in a happy mood for the rest of the day now!