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mellow midbight mice pattern by zoe feast

Mellow Midnight Mice

A Spoonflower limited color palette part two, Calm using a pine green, sky blue and mushroom brown. Ohhh these were difficult colors and more depressing than calm in my book. But that’s part of the challenge, right, working with a color palette that does not speak to you. I used all three colors , black and white and threw in a extra color of pink, which is allowed. The design prompt suggested bringing the calm of the outdoors in and a pattern that would be suitable for bedding.

Hey presto Mellow Midnight Mice

mellow midnight mice fabric patternby zoe feast

It certainly makes a fun duvet cover!

mellow midnight mice fabric pattern by zoe feast
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joyful muchy goats pattern

Joyful Munchy Goats Pattern

Spoonflower is launching a range of solid color fabrics and for the next two challenges designers are being asked to create using a palette of colors from this new range. The first challenge is Joy and the colors are Lagoon, Mustard and Cotton candy. We can use 1,2 or all three colors black and white and an additional color.

With these limited palette challenge is is hard to know where to go design wise so I focused on the word Joy and came up with whimsical goats having right fun time munching their way through a long strand of flag bunting – Joyful Munchy Goats

joyful munchy goats
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fall is a coming

Fall Botanical

Gosh, who doesn’t enjoy the colors of fall or if you are from the UK like me, Autumn.

Fall is a coming is my entry for this week’s Spoonflower challenge ” Fall Botanical”

fall is a coming

I wove together leafy branches and berries in various stages of color changing. I think the best fall colors are when there is a mixtures of greens, yellows and oranges… that stage when it is all orange, is a signal that is is almost over!

What a pretty table runner it would make.

fall is a coming table runner
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hubble bubble pastel halloween

Hubble Bubble Pastel Halloween

Pastel Halloween is the prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge which seems a bit odd to me but maybe orange, purple and black have had their day as far as Halloween goes. Actually I think not, but it is fun to design in a non conventional color palette.

My design Hubble Bubble Pastel Halloween conjures up a witch casting spells in her cauldron. The spell she is casting, is that this design is going to the challenge winner hahahah!

Why don’t we all prove old witchy right and cast our vote!

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farm fun i spy playmat

Farm I spy: Baby Play Mat

Gosh this Spoonflower challenge – Baby Play mats was quite a bit of work, but a lot of fun to do. My 42″ by 36″ design is full of farm fun! Farm Fun I spy Playmat

Hunt for a farm cat, rosy red apples and a chicken with her eggs. I actually could have gone on and on hiding things in this design!

farm fun i spy play mat for baby

My design also repeats and is a super fun design for a wallpaper accent wall in a kids bedroom.

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