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gothic halloween fabric design

Gothic Halloween Fabric Design

Gosh this was a fun fabric to design, Spooky Halloween Haunts

gothic halloween fabric design

Perfect for ghouling up a Halloween table with a placemat!

gothic halloween placemat

Voting starts on Thursday and you know how much I appreciate anyone taking the time to give me a vote!


Super excited to place 7th out of 666 entries receiving 295 votes. This is the 6th time I have got into the top 10 this year and I appreciate every one of those votes!

spooky Halloween haunts fabric
spooky halloween haunts fabric wiiner
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blue climbing vines banner

Climbing Vines Spoonflower Challenge

I am a sucker for blue and white and was drawn to create my entry for the Spoonflower climbing vines wallpaper challenge in a soft blues.

climbing blue vines repeat pattern

The design was formatted as a half drop repeat which I tend to favor for wallpaper designs, particularly when the design is organic … nobody wants to see those vines line up across a wall.

blue climbing vine wallpaper

Voting starts Thursday 20th August … votes always appreciated!


Whoooop-dee-do, I placed 3rd … oh happy days!

I got 304 votes which is the most votes I have ever received in a Spoonflower challenge, so a big thank you to anyone who voted!

climbing blue vines repeat pattern challenge winner
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dental hygienist tools

Dental Hygienists Pattern Fabric

This was a fun challenge and I decided to give some love to all those dental hygienists out there who help keep our teeth looking their best. I am not sure what all those scraping and prodding tools are called but who cares when they are modeled by sweet teeth!

dental hygienist tools pattern repeat

The Dental Hygienist design is specifically scaled to be used for making face masks.

Voting starts on August 6th

I also created a simple uncolored version of the same pattern

dental hygienist tools pattern repeat
Open post
cultivate your garden fabric repeat

Sports and Leisure Spoonflower Design Challenge

One of my favorite outdoor leisure activities is to potter around my garden and the fruits of my labors are often inspiration for my designs as I shared with you last week. Tropical Surrealism Challenge

So this week for the Sports and Leisure design challenge I designed a pattern with thoughts of cultivating a flower garden – I love Gardening

cultivate your flower garden pattern repeat

Just imagine it on a throw pillow on a garden bench.

cultivate your garden fabric pillow pattern

Voting starts July 30th


Yay got a top 10 placement, rolling in at 7/484 with 222 votes!

I love gardening pattern fabric

My “I Love Gardening” pattern is available in two different sizes, a 12″ repeat and and a 4″ repeat, perfect for making face masks.

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hands up surreal lily pattern wallpaper

Tropical Surrealism Wallpaper : Spoonflower Challenge

I am not a big fan of surrealism and there is nothing like a prompt outside of your comfort zone to push your design skills. I really wracked my brains this week on what to create for the Tropical Surrealism Wallpaper challenge and my epiphany came while wandering barefoot around my garden with my iphone, snapping photos of the flowers I have managed to grow this year.

My day lilies were looking rather fabulous and the Pistil part of the flower conjured up images of a hand reaching out from the petals.

tiger lily

My surreal concept was born!

hands up surreal lilies pattern orange

I ended up creating two colorways and as usual had a dilemma over which one to enter.

hands up surreal lilies pattern blue
hands up surreal lilies pattern orange wallpaper

Voting starts July 23rd

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row row row your boat fabric textile deisgn

Day at the Lake: Spoonflower Design Challenge

I love to be next to water, whether it is a babbling brook, dipping my toes into the freezing lake Michigan here in Chicago or simply watching the waves roll in on the coast.

Even better is to be “on” the water, and for my “Day at the Lake” I turned to simple white rowing boats and lily pads. Row, Row, Row your Boat. I can almost hear the gentle splashes and drips from those oars.

row your boat textile surface pattern design

The design is perfect for a laid back lake house …from placemats to bedding

Voting starts on Thursday 16th July


Wow this is the sixth week in a row I have placed high enough to earn an automatic proof! This week I came in at #21 out of 615 entries and got 201 votes, thanks everyone who took the time to scroll though all those designs a pick my “little o design” as worthy of a vote!

row your boat pattern winner
Open post
reptile skin banner

Colorful Reptiles Spoonflower Design Challenge

I came up with two design for this weeks Spoonflower design challenge, Colorful Reptiles.

My first intertwined chameleons, geckos and snakes and I called it lizard licking (!)

and my second I went for a lizard skin texture.

lizard skin pattern repeat

I dilly dallied about which one to enter and turned to the Spoonflower Fan Facebook group for a bit of good old fashioned honest critique. The skin came out as the winner so in it went. I have a feeling the design is going to bomb but there we go!

Prove me wrong and go and vote!


I seem to be on a roll with these design challenges as this is the fifth week in a row I have placed high enough to earn an automatic proof of my design!

I came in at 51/657 and got 164 votes. Thanks so much if you voted, I am in a happy mood for the rest of the day now!

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smell those aromatherapy oils banner

Aromatherapy Design Challenge

I have a selection of beautiful blue glass bottles filled with sumptuous essential oils and these were the inspiration for my entry into this weeks Spoonflower’s design challenge, Aromatherapy.

I ended up producing two version of my design, a light one and a dark one which I selected to enters. It was a last minute switcharoo so hopefully I picked the best one!

aromatherapy oils fabric design

There are literally loads of different essential oils used in aromatherapy but I chose lavender, rose and eucalyptus to feature in my pattern. My seamless design “Smell those Aromatherapy Oils” features a soft soothing color palette and plays with transparency. It’s a shame it isn’t scratch and sniff!

It looks lovely as a pillow

smell those aromatherapy oils pillow

Voting starts on July 2 .. yikes are we into July already.


Hooray my design placed coming in at 36/684 and receiving 159 votes.

aromatherapy oils pattern design
Open post
i spy ice cream trucks fabic pattern

I spy Ice Cream Trucks: Ice Cream Truck Challenge

This weeks Spoonflower challenge prompt is Ice Cream Trucks and I ummed and ahhed about what to create.

As a kid I always bought blue raspberry lollies and that was the inspiration behind my first design.

blue raspberry lollypops

and although I love it it didn’t really shout “Ice Cream Truck” so I went a more obvious route.

i spy ice cream trucks surface fabric

If you look closely you will see I actually incorporated my blue lollies as a background texture element!

The pattern is perfect for kitchen linens like placemats and looks equally happy and fun as bedding. What kid wouldn’t want to dive into and ice ceram bed?!

As always voting starts Thursday so why not sit down with something frozen and tasty and vote for I spy Ice Cream Trucks


Placed by the skin of my teeth but so grateful for all your votes. I Spy Ice cream Trucks came in at 60/629 receiving 125 votes

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