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Party Wall Spoonflower Challenge

I wish Spoonflower would go back to weekly challenges, with this two week thing, one of these days I am going to totally forget to submit my entry!

This week the prompt is party wall and I started off designing with lots of color and energy.

The design I came up with was this

and while it pops and really convey a party mood I felt it was much more suitable for party linens that a party wallpaper!

So I went back to the drawing board an created something much simpler but far more elegant!

Golden Twinkle star Garland

golden twinkle stars
Open post
waffle feast

Treat Yourself Spoonflower Design Challenge

Is it wrong to salivate as you design? Hahahah! That was the case as I created my entry for this week’s Spoonflower challenge “Treat Yourself”

I went for some decadent waffles with all the topping… strawberries, blueberries, cream and of course maple syrup. Top it off with a cup of coffee and an extra plate of waffles and I am in heaven! And if I can’t play off my last name here something is wrong.

Waffle Feast

waffle feast
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beach trip pattern banner

A Trip to the Beach

Hurray for a fun prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge . Out with blah neutrals and in with a prompt which welcomes color, A trip to the beach.

With the extra time we get for challenges now I am tending to play around with all sorts of designs and end up building a whole collection around the theme. If I am perfectly honest I prefer the tighter timeframe and lets face it, it results in less entries. I think one recent challenge had 24 pages of stuff to wade through. That is a big ask for anyone… I can hardly be bothered to even vote for myself let alone subject anyone else to the task.

Anyway, here is my entry

Beach Hut Beach Days

beach huts

And here is the rest of the collection
Beach Trip Nantucket Bliss

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Warm Minimal Wallpaper Challenge

Gosh I found warm minimal such a dull design prompt. why not just call it beige and be done with. Never the less I cracked on and produced so many designs I went design blind. I consulted my better half on which one to enter and let’s just put that baby to bed and move on. It will probably bomb but I am at the point of who cares.

Fleur Minimal

minimal fleur

And these were the other contenders, they now make up a new collection Warm Abstracts in my Spoonflower shop

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leap year king frog

Leap Year Frog Challenge

Gosh I have created quite a few frog themed designs over the years but it is the topic of this week’s Spoonflower challenge so I have dug deep and come up with a new froggy design. Actually I came up with three, the switch to a challenge every two weeks has given me a lot more time to play around. I prefer the time constraint of a challenge every week. It focuses the mind more and there are less entries per challenge. Having to wade through a staggering 20 pages this last challenge to find my design is no fun for me and anyone else voting. Ai generated designs are still prevalent too.

But let’s stop the moaning and get one with the design I have gone with!

King Frog

king frog

these were the other contenders

Open post

Welcome Walls Wallpaper

2024 and the first Spoonflower challenge of the year is Welcome Walls. I am kicking off the year the way mean to carry on and setting myself another goal of entering every single SF challenge which I have done and successfully completed for the last 4 years! There will be half as many challenges this year as SF are moving from a new challenge every week to a new one every two weeks.

So for my welcome walls challenge I was inspired to create something for foster kids coming into a new home. I wanted the design to convey love and caring while be welcoming at the same time.

This is what I came up with

welcome to our loving home

of course I also created a little collection around my design

Welcome Happy Loving Home Collections

2023 Spoonflower Challenge Results

2023 and in the Spoonflower challenge world it has been a whirl. These challenges have grown and grown and it is now pretty typical to have 1500+ entries. Throw in the rising of AI generated designs and a new voting system, there have been a few issues to say the least. However I have kept to my personal goal and entered EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE again. This marks my 4th year of doing so!

But that is not enough for me ( hahahaha), I now have to beat my previous results! Let’s start with a little recap of the last three years.

…drum roll please …

3 Wins, including 2 Pantone Challenges

8 additional top ten placements with 2nd place in the remaining Pantone Challenges

and a whopping 28 designs placed for free proofing

So a pretty decent year but I didn’t quite beat my 2022 results which I knew would be almost impossible!

Going forward Spoonflower will only be having challenges every two weeks so thing will definitely be different but I am again planning to enter EVERY single challenge!

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