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Peach Fuzz, Pantone color of the Year 2024

Spoonflower and Pantone have once again collaborated to celebrate the Pantone color of the year for 2024. This year the color is Peach Fuzz.

Spoonflower/Pantone kicked off the beginning of 2023 with a challenge for Viva Magenta, the Pantone color for 2023. I won that challenge. They went on to have a further three challenges where I places, 1st, 2nd and 2nd. As a result I have been named the “Pantone Queen” and even had a little song compiled – to the tune of Dancing Queen– “Zoe’s the Pantone Queen….Pantone Queen on the palette scene….”

Now the pressure is on to maintain my reign hahaha!

Allotment Community Garden

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on the farm block print banner

Block Print Inspired Design

I LOVE the look of block prints and even though this is a prompt we have had before (sort of) for a Spoonflower challenge, it is always fun for me to design in this style. I actually use it a lot of many of my creations.

On the Farm

on the farm block print

It is a fun farmhouse print and would look great on kitchen linens

I also created a few stipe coordinates and you can see them all in the Rustic Life Collections

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floriography banner

Floriography Pattern Design

Floriography, here is another new word for me and the prompt for the Spoonflower challenge this week. Floriography is the language of flowers, a means of communication through the use or arrangement of flowers. The practice gained popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly in Victorian England. During this time, flowers were often used to express emotions and sentiments that were not easily spoken aloud due to societal constraints. How cool is that!

I had fun researching this one and in the end created a floral with ” Timeless Memories” It features Forget-Me-Nots to express enduring love and remembrance, while Lily of the Valley adds sweetness and the promise of happiness. Ferns contribute sincerity.

This is the 200th Spoonflower challenge I have entered and it is quite fitting I am featuring Timeless Memories!

Timeless Memories Floriography 

timeless memories fliography

The design coordinates with my Shade Garden Collection

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Serene Wallscapes

I am plodding on with my commitment to enter every single Spoonflower challenge again this year. There is so much drama going on around changes coming to the platform for designers and there is so much unknown stuff. Without designers it is a platform of NOTHING. It is all a bit distracting and disheartening.

So let’s go to a serene place for this week’s challenge and float away with some beautiful soft hued swans

Serene Swans

Of course I also rustled up a little complimentary design too!

Both can be found in various scales in the Serenity Now Collection

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St Patrick’s Day

The prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge is “Other Holidays” I have never designed anything for S Patrick’s day which is hugely popular here in the USA so I thought I’d have a bash at that. The strange thing is most Americans don’t realize that St Patrick is just one of the Patron Saints , We also have St David for Wales, St George for England and St Andrew for Scotland!

St Patrick’s Day Celebration

st patricks day

and I also rustled up a little collection to party on down with my hero design!

St Patrick’s Day Fun

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apricity banner


I am betting you have no idea what apricity means and that was me too until about a month ago. It is the theme of this week’s Spoonflower challenge. It means basking in the warm rays of the sun on a cold winter’s day. I am a HUGE fan of doing this!

It is such a wonderful concept and I got so into the prompt. I created a whole collection. But for the challenge I brought two sweet little hedgehogs out of hibernation just so they could enjoy on concept of Apricity!

hedgehog apricity

and here is the rest of the Apricity Collection

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mushrooms and mice

East Fork Design Challenge

We are back to designing repeat patterns for the Spoonflower challenge this week and it is another East Fork pottery challenge. I have to say I am not in love with the palette for this week and will most likely jazz up the designs I have created with a color palette more pleasing to my eye!

I took a whimsical approach and created a design with mushrooms and mice!

East Fork Mushrooms and Mice

mushrooms and white mice

I actually created quite a few design options for this challenge, they are all now for sale in my shop in a new collection which also includes some basic coordinates.

Shop East Fork Midnight Swim Collection

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Pantone intangible

Pantone Intangible Palette

This week the Spoonflower challenge is another Pantone challenge, the last of 4 pantone challenge for this year. We started with Viva Magenta– I came 1st, then Ultra Steady , I came first again. The third challenge was Mega Matter – I came 2nd in that one. The pressure is one again to at least get in the top 10!

All of the palettes we have been given to work with have been a tad bit tricky and this week the intangible palette has it’s challenges. The whole brief of the challenge was a little odd but I took my inspiration from the word intangible and thought about the intangible nature of the wind. Windy meadow was born!

Windy Meadow

I also created a monotone repeat of the design… using the Pantone intangible palette. See the Pantone Intangible collection

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Witty Wordplay

It is another Spoonflower wall hanging challenge this week. Wall hangings have never been a big seller for me despite my past entries placing well. The prompt this week is Witty Wordplay.

Here is what I came up with!

Be Pre Peared

It is naff, it is cheesy but I really don’t want to invest any more time on this challenge hahah!

But I also came up with this… but it is a little too risky for a challenge entry. However it is for sale in my shop and would make a great gag gift for Christmas!

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