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Heritage Revival Spoonflower Challenge

Ooh this sounds like an interesting Spoonflower challenge, Heritage Revival and it looks like we can take this prompt in any direction we see fit. It will make for an interesting voting because at least we won’t be swimming in a sea of same shapes aka Paisley or stripes or be limited to a a color palette you either love or hate.

So when thinking about Heritage my mind goes straight to history and the traditions which come from the land. With that thought process I landed on dairy farms of a bygone age where milk came from pasture fed cows (no nut milks then! ) and was poured into churns which would sit at a farms gate waiting to be collected. Elevated milk churn stands can still be seen outside old farms in the UK.

Heritage Dairy Farm

I did the design in a number of colorways too and added it to my Farm to Table Collection

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Sophisticated Stripes Spoonflower Challenge

I adore a stripe and really don’t design enough of them so it has been fun playing around with them for this week’s Spoonflower challenge. In my book the challenge here is to create a design which will stand out in the challenge but actually be saleable!

I can imagine the challenge will be full of floral type stripe so I wanted to steer well away from that concept. I sometime think it would be nice if Spoonflower had a challenge where florals were banned!

I got inspired by my winter sweaters and cable knit patterns and came up with this cable knit design

Cable Knit Stripe

I got so carried away I built a whole load of colorways, here are a few but you can see the whole collection in the Knit One Purl One collection

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Accent Wall Spoonflower Wallpaper Challenge

Ohhh, I have to say it is good to be moving on from Pantone’s Mocha Mousse this week on the Spoonflower challenges. The latest prompt is to design an accent wall wallpaper.

I was inspired by the English countryside where I grew up, a sweet little village and with a farm that had a windmill on a hill! I also really love the look of block printed linocuts and channeled that it the design style I used.

English Countryside

english countryside

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Pantone Mocha Mouse Spoonflower Wallpaper Challenge

It is that time of year again when Pantone have announced their color of the year 2025. I had an inkling that it would be a brown and I was totally correct. This year’s color is Mocha Mousse.

Spoonflower is having two challenges using this color. The first one is for a wallpaper and the second is for a fabric. We get to combine Mocha Mousse with different color palettes for each.

So Mocha Mousse for me conjures up smooth elegant jazz and that was my immediate inspiration for the wallpaper challenge.

Jazz Club in Mocha Mousse

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Timeless Nursery Wallpaper Challenge

The prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge was to create a design that depicts a “nurturing, serene environment for a newborn that remains stylish and relevant as the baby ages”. 

Bring it on!

I went for a gender neutral look with a design that is age appropriate to about age 10. I used a palette of soft colors and gave it a watercolor look

Hedgehog Fun

I also created a line art version which is available in a number of colors in the Hedgehog Nursery Collection a non directional print and a simple patchwork which was my entry for the baby blanket challenge.

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Conversational Wallpaper

The prompt for this week’s Spoonflower challenge is Conversational and I went around and around trying to find inspiration for this one. A conversational design is one that takes an everyday object and turns it into a design.

So I had my hair cut last week and as I sat rabbiting to my stylist I had an ahha moment!

Hair Styling Tools

I feel a little collection coming on but I have not yet got to it yet!

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Vintage Glamour Metallic Wallpaper

Spoonflower recently started offering two new metallic substrates for their wallpaper, so it is no surprise that we now have a challenge specifically gears to one of those. First up is the gold version, I am sure a silver challenge is in the works too.

So the prompt for the challenge is Vintage Glamour and with that in mind I was instantly transported back to the 1920’s and the fashions it conjured up

Art Deco Sepia Glamour

So part of the challenge her is to design to make the most of the metallic effect.

Here is my design

and this is what it will look like printed on metallic gold stock paper

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