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Serene Wallscapes

I am plodding on with my commitment to enter every single Spoonflower challenge again this year. There is so much drama going on around changes coming to the platform for designers and there is so much unknown stuff. Without designers it is a platform of NOTHING. It is all a bit distracting and disheartening.

So let’s go to a serene place for this week’s challenge and float away with some beautiful soft hued swans

Serene Swans

Of course I also rustled up a little complimentary design too!

Both can be found in various scales in the Serenity Now Collection

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Non Directional Wallpapers

There appears to be a trend for wallpapering ceilings, can you imagine trying to do that? Yikes. The types of designs that work best are non directional…. a design that will look good whatever angle you view it from.

So Non directional wallpaper is the prompt for this week Spoonflower challenge.

I came up with a boho paisley design and did 2 colorways.

sunset boho
blue paisely

I have to say I had a really hard time deciding which one to enter so I plonked both into the FB Spoonflowers groups and let them pick. The orange one won hands down so that is the one I have entered!

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birds of prey

Birds of Prey

Another wallpaper challenge this week over at Spoonflower and the prompt is Birds of Prey. I picked three birds, an eagle, an owl and a flock of turkey vultures.

Waking Up with Birds of Prey

birds of prey pattern

I have actually used this design style and color palette before in my Lead me to Nature Collection. I was compelled to use it again for this design and it makes a nice addition to the collection.

I also created a simple line art collection which I think will be more saleable for wallpaper.

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organic meadow

Neutral Botanical Wallpaper

It’s a wallpaper design for the Spoonflower challenge this week and the prompt is “Neutral Botanical”. These neutral challengers are always pretty difficult for me as I am the queen of color!

Never the less I am always up to push myself outside of my comfort zone, so here is my entry.

Organic Meadow.

I also came up with a different colorway but I decided to enter the green one!

Blushed Botanical

Blushed botanical wallpaper
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farm fun i spy playmat

Farm I spy: Baby Play Mat

Gosh this Spoonflower challenge – Baby Play mats was quite a bit of work, but a lot of fun to do. My 42″ by 36″ design is full of farm fun! Farm Fun I spy Playmat

Hunt for a farm cat, rosy red apples and a chicken with her eggs. I actually could have gone on and on hiding things in this design!

farm fun i spy play mat for baby

My design also repeats and is a super fun design for a wallpaper accent wall in a kids bedroom.

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